WAEC Building Construction Questions and Answers 2022/2023 (Obj & Theory)

WAEC Building Construction Questions and answers for 2022/2023 is here for you to prepare for your examination. both the objective and theory are going to help you pass your building construction WAEC Examination, 24hrs. Excellent result, (A’s and B’s) is assured here”.



There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3. all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 shall be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1: Will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions all of which

are to be answered in 45 minutes for 40 marks.

PAPER 2: will consist of five short-structured essay questions. Candidates will be required to answer any four in 1 hour for 60 marks.

PAPER 3: will be a practical test. It will consist of two sections, Sections A and B.

The paper will take 2½ hours and will carry 100 marks.

Section A: will be for candidates in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia only. It will be on BUILDING DRAWING and shall consist of four questions including a compulsory one. Candidates will be required to answer the compulsory question and any two of the other questions.

Section B: will be for candidates in Ghana only. It will consist of six essay questions including a compulsory one. Candidates will be required to answer the compulsory question and any three of the other questions.

WAEC Building Construction Sample Questions



  1. A school building is a place mainly used for
    A. public worship.
    B. public gathering.
    C. developing knowledge.
    D. conferences.
  2. Which of the following personnel certifies the result of a drain test?
    A. Building foreman
    B. Building inspector
    C. Clerk of works
    D. Site engineer
  1. Building contract documents include the following except
    A. purchase order.
    B. drawings and specifications.
    C. bill of quantities.
    D. agreement.
  2. The material specification in a contract document indicates the
    A. schedule of materials to be used.
    B. cost of materials for the work.
    C. quantity of materials for the work.
    D. quality of materials to be used.
  3. The following are involved in a setting out operation:
    I. placing the profile pegs in position;
    II. fixing the profile boards;
    III. marking out the features on the profile boards;
    IV. digging the foundation trenches.
    Which of the combinations listed below are correct?
    A. I and II only
    B. I and III only
    C. I, II and III only
    D. I, III and IV only
  4. A suitable foundation for water-logged soil is the
    A. wide strip.
    B. pile.
    C. pad.
    D. deep strip.
  5. Which of the following is a structural floor?
    A. Reinforced concrete floor
    B. Earth block floor
    C. Chipboard flooring
    D. Monolithic flooring
  1. The laying of roof tiles is commenced at the
    A. hip.
    B. verge.
    C. ridge.
    D. eaves.
  2. Which of the following describes headroom in a stair construction?
    A. Clearance above the stairs to allow easy passage
    B. Opening into which the stairs is located
    C. First room at the top of the stairs for access
    D. Clearance below the stairs to allow easy passage
  3. The most suitable types of pipe used for water supply are
    A. copper and brass pipes.
    B. aluminium and bronze pipes.
    C. clay and rubber pipes.
    D. p.v.c. and galvanized steel pipes.



  1. (a) Explain the following terms as used in concreting:
    (i) batching;
    (ii) water-cement ratio;
    (iii) curing.
    (b) With the aid of annotated sketches, illustrate the following methods of checking
    the accuracy of setting out a rectangular building:
    (i) diagonal method;
    (ii) builders’ square method;
    (iii) 3 : 4 : 5 method.
    (c) State three methods of transporting concrete mix on site.
  2. (a) State the purpose of foundation in a building.
    (b) Sketch a section through an external wall with a wide-strip foundation and label
    the following parts:
    (i) blinding;
    (ii) main bars;
    (iii) distribution bars;
    (iv) ground floor slab.(c) State one duty of each of the following personnel:
    (i) Architect;
    (ii) Quantity surveyor;
    (iii) Inspector of factories.

(c) State one duty of each of the following personnel:

(i) Architect;

(ii) Quantity surveyor;

(iii) Inspector of factories.

  1. (a) State two advantages in the use of precast lintel over cast-in-situ lintel.
    (b) Sketch to illustrate two methods of fixing risers to treads in a timber stair
    (c) Sketch a door frame and label the following parts:
    (i) jamb;
    (ii) head;
    (iii) horn;
    (iv) rebate.
  2. (a) Describe in sequence, six stages involved in hanging a timber door
    when the frame is in position.
    (b) Sketch a close couple roof and label the following parts:
    (i) ridge board;
    (ii) rafter;
    (iii) wall plate;
    (iv) supporting walls.
  3. (a) Sketch the conventional symbol for each of the following:
    (i) fluorescent tube;
    (ii) one-way switch.
    (b) State three locations on a drainline where an inspection chamber is required.
    (c) List four materials used for the manufacture of drain pipes.
    (d) Sketch a section through a water-closet with a P-trap and indicate the following
    (i) water seal;
    (ii) flushing rim.





Answer three questions only in this section, Question 1, and any other two questions.


FOUNDATION: 675 x 225 concrete strip laid at a depth of 900 below

ground level.

FLOORS: Earth filling;

Hardcore – 300;

Concrete slab – 150;

Mortar screed – 25.

WALLS: All walls are 225 sandcrete hollow blocks with 12 mortar

rendering on both sides.

DOORS: D1 – 1200 x 2100 glazed metal door;

D2 – 900 x 2100 panel wooden door with 100 x 75

hardwood timber frame.

D3 – 750 x 2100 flush wooden door with 100 x 75

hardwood timber frame.

WINDOWS: All windows are glazed aluminium sliding type:

W1 – 1800 x 1200;

W2 – 1200 x 1200;

W3 – 600 x 600.


AND COLUMNS: 225 x 225 reinforced concrete.

WARDROBES: Partitioned into cloth and box compartments.

THRESHOLD STEPS: Width – 1200;

Tread – 300;

Rise – 150.

VERANDAH: Metal balustrade (MB)900 high measured from floor


ROOF: Double pitched timber roof with corrugated galvanized iron

roofing sheets;.

Eaves projection – 750;

Pitch – 150


Height from floor to ceiling – 3000.

  1. (a) To a scale of 1:50, draw a detailed section X – X of the building from
    the foundation to roof.
    (b) (i) List four sources of capital for any construction work.
    (ii) Explain the term entrepreneurship.
  2. Draw to a scale of 1:100, the detailed floor plan of the building
  3. Draw to a scale of 1:100, the following views:
    (a) front elevation;
    (b) right side elevation.
  4. To a scale of 1:20, draw the doors’ and windows’ schedules for the building.
  1. (a) (i) Identify the elements labelled 1 and 2
    (ii) State one function of each of the elements identified in (a)(i)

(b) State four reasons for choosing ready-mixed concrete for the

construction of the works.

(c) (i) Sketch the detail at A to illustrate the formwork for the

construction of reinforced concrete floor and the beam.

(ii) Label any four parts of the sketch in (c)(i) above.

(d) Explain three ways by which moisture rising from the ground may

affect the elements in the area labelled B.

(e) The reinforced concrete floor labeled C is to be finished with tongued

and grooved hardwood flooring fixed to 50 x 50 hardwood bearers.

Sketch a pictorial view to illustrate the construction of the tongued

and grooved flooring and label the following on the sketch:

(i) tongued and grooved flooring;

(ii) hardwood bearers;

(iii) concrete slab;

(iv) mortar bed.

(f) State two defects that may cause roof leakage if corrugated aluminium

roofing sheet is used as the covering material.

  1. (a) State three reasons for a poor flow of effluent in a drainage system.
    (b) With the aid of an annotated sketch, explain how a ball valve in a
    water reservoir operates.
    (c) State three reasons why an access road to a building site must be free
    from obstruction.
    (d) State three protective clothing that must be worn when working with
    bagged Portland cement.
  2. (a) Explain the cause of each of the following timber defects:
    (i) cup shake;
    (ii) star shake;
    (iii) heart shake.
    (b) Sketch a pictorial view of each of the following defects in timber:
    (i) bowing;

(ii) cupping;

(iii) warping.

(c) State two advantages of using reinforced concrete over the use of

timber in suspended floor construction.

  1. (a) (i) State three precautions to be observed when excavating
    foundation trenches in loose soil for a proposed school building.
    (ii) State three reasons for timbering the sides of the trenches in
    (a)(i) above.
    (b) Sketch a precast concrete pile and label the following:
    (i) metal shoe;
    (ii) main reinforcement;
    (iii) pile cap;
    (iv) shoe strap.
    (c) State two disadvantages in the construction of a deep strip foundation
    over that of a pad foundation.
  2. (a) State six stages involved in casting a ready-mix concrete for a ground
    floor slab when the hardcore filling is in place.
    (b) Sketch to illustrate the plan of each of the following types of staircase:
    (i) dogleg;
    (ii) quarter landing.
  3. (a) State four causes of failure of a floor screed.
    (b) State the main reason for using each of the following ironmongery
    for hanging doors:
    (i) Rising butt hinge;
    (ii) Parliament hinge.
    (c) Sketch to illustrate each of the following cold water supply systems:
    (i) direct system;
    (ii) indirect system.

At this juncture, I hope the questions above are very useful for students who are really in need of the WAEC building construction Questions and Answers. Please share this guide to your friends

We at Flash School Gist is using this opportunity to wish you the very best of luck in your examination.

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