Can I Apply For Post UTME With Awaiting Result? Find out Now.

Can I apply for post utme with awaiting results? Which schools accept awaiting results for post utme? Will I gain admission if I use awaiting results?. Since you’re here,  all these questions will be answered once and for all. List Of Schools That Accept Awaiting Result For Admission

To be sincere, It’s one of the hard things students awaiting results try to understand. Can I apply for a post utme with awaiting?. What if the school starts post utme when my level result hasn’t been released? What do I do?.

To find the solution to all of this, I urge you to read this article painstakingly. Read every line to enable you to understand everything I’ll be explaining here.

I could remember last year when my junior brother wrote WAEC, and his result was delayed for about 3months.

Then the time for Post UTME started; just like in your case, he was terrified, and he would ask me every day, “Bro, are you sure? Can I apply for Post UTME with awaiting result” I repeat the same thing every day, giving him the same answer?

I got fed up at some point, although there’s nothing I can do to make him stop worrying cause I understood how he felt then.

My point here is that you do not need to worry, as many schools know they’ll always delay the release of O’Level results, but they don’t want to accept them in most cases.

Can I Apply For Post UTME With Awaiting Result?

Before all I’ve said above, You can apply for Post UTME With awaiting results.

All Universities and Polytechnics accept awaiting results for admission into any department. So you do not need to worry as they give time for awaiting result candidates time to upload their O’Level results pending the time the Admission List will be released.

But this answer is limited to some extent; if the University or polytechnic you want to apply for requires you to register for its application during registration, they don’t accept awaiting results.

But that’s notwithstanding, I’ve written an article on that, which you can read here>>> List of Schools That Accept Awaiting Result for admission; I’ll advise you to check it out to find out if your preferred school fall in the category.

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