12 Ways To Keep Track Of Your Business Performance

As a business owner, your main concern is the revenue your business is generating and the methods you use to increase it. When you evaluate business performance, you can easily see what areas need the most help. You need to be able to have clear objectives for how you will improve your performance. 

Ofcourse, there are alot of working parts of a business that you need to keep your eyes on. It can become quite a task to want to evaluate everything alone and without any set parameters. 

As a seasoned or novice business owner you will obviously have some metrics you evaluate a business on but there are certain tips and tricks that we have curated for you that we think will be an asset for your business’s success. 

These can help you use technology the way it should be used to leverage the most of its benefits for your business. Simple tips can turn your processes around for an excellent hike in performance. 

Let’s take a look at these in detail: 

12 Tips To Properly Evaluate Your Business’s Performance 

  1. Set Clear Goals 

For a company to have the best employees, the top management must come up with a clear plan and let the workers know what is expected of them. At the end of the day when you evaluate a business, you are evaluating its employees too. A lack of understanding about the business can hurt it. Set clear goals to improve performance in a natural way, and find a way to measure how you’re doing against those goals.

List the goals and get employees involved in setting them so they can be made on their own and have an effect on how they are carried out. It’s hard to reach goals that are unrealistic or too far away. 

Make sure you use the SMART framework to write down your goals. Make them clear, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and on time. Set weekly or monthly goals to keep your employees motivated to reach the bigger goals.

  1. Automate As Much As You Can 

With digital trends and events happening all the time, automation is the key to a company’s success. People say that employees spend half of their time on boring, repetitive tasks. No matter if it’s replacing orders, keeping an eye on stock, dividing up inventory, or sending a sales email, all of these tasks can be perfectly automated to free up your employees. 

So, they can spend their time working and doing other important things, which will speed up business performance.

Here are some tools you can use: 

  • Presentation Design – Canva, Slides Carnival, SlidesGo, Prezi, Visme 
  • Project Management – Trello, Asana, Monday, ZOHO Projects 
  • Communication Tools – Google Hangouts, Slack, ZOHO Cliq, Lark 
  • invoicing your customers- zintego

Use these and then evaluate business performance after an interval to see what difference they have made. 

  1. Record Your Meetings and Calls 

A lot of conversation is being carried out on calls and meetings. Recording calls is a great way to listen to them later on to really see how your employees are performing on these calls. You can use an app like iCall which is an automatic call recorder for the iPhone. You can listen to these conversations later on and see what can be improved and what is just perfect. Check out the call recorder’s free trial. 

  1. Identify Blockers and Get Rid of Them 

Find out what slows down your employees and think of ways to fix it. Find out how well your company’s procedures, policies, and structures fit with your strategy for setting yourself apart from the competition. Find the short-term and long-term things that are getting in the way of your team’s work so you can get rid of them.

Ask important questions, like what’s the link between sales and production? Is the team happy with the goals that have been set? One way to avoid roadblocks is to give up on impossible or high-pressure deadlines so that he doesn’t have to work under stress.

  1. Keep Track of New Business

Another great way to measure how well your business is doing is to look at how many new customers you get.This is an easy way to evaluate business performance.  If you still have the same 30 customers you had when you started, you may need to change how you market your business.

 Make a list of clients with their email addresses so you can keep track of them. Keep track of the average number of new customers you get each month so you can see how much your business is growing.

  1. Train Your Employees Regularly 

As technology improves and strategies get better, employers and workers should make sure that their knowledge, skills, values, and abilities are in line with these changes. Training and workshops are important ways to improve your mind and skills. 

Companies can improve their performance a lot with the help of workshops that are both relevant and consistent.

Prepare employees for more responsibilities, test how well the management system works, and teach people about the new rules through workshops.

 Give your employees the latest trends, technologies, and IT skills so they can be the best at what they do.

  1. Use Clear Metrics For Employees

As technology improves and strategies get better, employers and workers should make sure that their knowledge, skills, values, and abilities are in line with these changes. This will ensure you are investing in your company’s core strength and will help you later evaluate a business the right way. 

Training and workshops are important ways to improve your mind and skills. Companies can improve their performance a lot with the help of workshops that are both relevant and consistent.

Prepare employees for more responsibilities, test how well the management system works, and teach people about the new rules through workshops. 

Give your employees the latest trends, technologies, and IT skills so they can be the best at what they do.

  1. Discourage Multi-tasking 

Some of you might think that being able to do more than one thing at once is the key to success, but the truth is different. Not everyone can multitask, and most of the time it makes a mess.

 Even though doing one thing at a time could add more time to your daily work, it will be better. Business performance isn’t always about getting more done in less time. Instead, it’s about doing each task as well as possible in as little time as possible.

  1. Engage Employees For Satisfaction

You shouldn’t forget about the people who work for you. Customers are important for a business to grow, but your business wouldn’t be able to stay in business without employees either. Employees are important, and you would have a hard time running your business without them. 

High turnover rates can also be very expensive, so take the time to survey your employees to find out how happy they are working for you. Again, use this information to figure out what needs to be fixed.

When you evaluate a business – make sure you understand that your employees will be the ones to drive this performance and you have to keep them happy. 

  1. Invest In Customer Services 

Post employees come to your customers. You can’t live without them. So the next step is to work on making your customer service better. 

It is clear that customers are willing to pay more for better service. Integrating CRM tools and using them to learn important things about the buyer’s persona and journey is one way to give them personalized services that give them a great customer experience.

When you evaluate a business – you will be able to see what direction it is going in based on what customers say about it. 

  1. Be Wary Of Exceeding Budgets

Budgets are one of the best tools for managing performance, and they can help you figure out how much money you make and how much you spend. 

Keep a detailed record of all the money you spend on your business and how often it happens. For example, do they happen every month or once a year? Next, keep track of your monthly income and do a budget report at the end of each month to see if you are on the right track.

  1. Prioritization Should Be Priority 

These three tips are very important if you want to get the most out of your employees. First, make your schedule by putting tasks in order of importance to help you reach your goals. Second, make sure your teams don’t lose sight of weekly or monthly goals. Third, be confident enough to say “no” at work, and if your phone distracts you, move it away from your desk.

Good company management reaches its goals with the help of great employees who are driven to do a better job. With stress and burnout on the rise, it’s important for employees to keep their energy up so they can do their best work. Use these ten tips to help your employees do a better job at work today.


There you go. These are the metrics and changes you can make to really amp up your business’s performance. Add the iCall app to your phone and apart from that use whatever apps and tools you can use to succeed at business so the next time you evaluate business performance, you can see phenomenal results. 

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