Official List Of Courses Offered In YABATECH (Yaba College Of Tecnology)

Are you looking for the full list of accredited courses offered in Yaba College Of Tecnology (YABATECH)?

We have gathered the official list of courses and departments that are available in the entire Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH).

So basically, we’ve made it very easy for you to also easily view the subject combination and study requirements that you need to get into any of the listed courses offered in YABATECH.

Faculties In YABATECH

  • Faculty Of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Faculty Of Technology
  • Faculty Of Management & Business Studies
  • Faculty Of Liberal Studies
  • Faculty Of Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
  • Faculty Of Technical & Vocational Education
  • Faculty Of Environmental Studies
  • Faculty Of Science
  • Faculty Of Arts Design & Printing


Courses Offered In YABATECH

See the official list of courses offered in Yaba College Of Tecnology below.

  • Mechatronics Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Marine engineering
  • Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Polymer Technology
  • Marketing
  • Agricultural Technology
  • Mass Communication
  • Textile Technology
  • Statistics
  • Science Laboratory Technology
  • Food Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Leisure and Tourism Management
  • Hospitality Management
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Surveying and Geo-Informatics
  • Quantity Surveying
  • Estate Management
  • Buiding Technology
  • Architectural Technology
  • Welding and Fabrication engineering
  • Metallurgical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial Maintenace Engineering
  • Electrical/Electronics
  • Computer Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Printing Technology
  • Fashion Design and Clothing Technology
  • Art Design/Industrial Design
  • Public Administration
  • Banking and Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Office Technology Management
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