Is Custom Essay Writing Safe and Reliable?

Student life can be hard: all these calculations, essays, and lectures are so daunting… They can seem like a never-ending circle of problems. Some find it difficult to write different texts while others consider speeches and teamwork to be the worst. An obvious choice would be to find a website to help with finding your way through your academic demands with critical thinking, analysis, and writing. But many students are in doubt: is it safe? Can I become a better writer using such services? Read this text to know what to expect and how to maximize your positive experience. 

Breaking the myths: Not so scary!

Here are the common myths many students have about finding a suitable custom essay writing service, such as AdvancedWriters. First, we list the most common fears and myths students have about academic writing platforms. Then, we destroy these misconceptions. 

All your information is visible to others. That’s not true. In fact, most companies that offer essay writing services place an extremely great emphasis on their customers’ safety and anonymity. No one can track you or find information about you even if they put your name in the search window. Also, no one aside from the assigned person from the support team can call you. 

The work you receive is copied from others. Wrong. A good service not only has a personalized approach but also focuses on creating an entirely original paper. The sample you receive is definitely not available to anyone else, so you shouldn’t worry about such issues at all. 

You can’t trust people who work there. This idea is also false. The professional websites hire people from different places worldwide who have proved their knowledge by passing many criteria and by their work and academic background. Most of such experts are good at communication and never ask any questions about yourself, aside from when it’s needed for your assignment. 

I won’t learn anything like this. That’s a real misconception that makes many people lose an excellent opportunity to gain more knowledge with practice. Writers who offer samples at such platforms usually propose good examples of written works that you can use as guidelines for yourself. You can also ask them to explain some features that you’re not familiar with to have a more in-depth understanding of your topic. 

What to avoid when searching for a writing service

When finding anything unusual and new for the first time and needing to start from scratch, people can get really confused and not really trusting. And that’s much better than believing everyone without any filter, better safe than sorry. Fortunately, there are some clear signs that make a service safe or unsafe. Some things will help you get better expectations about academic services. Check the website first: does it look nice, is it easy to navigate? Today, most online businesses have top custom designs that are extremely pleasant to use. If you feel that the design is sketchy at best, don’t visit it again. 

Even if the website is nice, you still should look around for other signs. Don’t forget about the reviews. Don’t look only at the ones on the website: search for different sources of information. When you research, read about both good and bad comments because they can be pretty subjective. It’s okay if a website has negative reviews, but there shouldn’t be too many of them. Make sure to click on different pages on the website and look through the payment information: if you want to buy something, the company will offer you a safe payment option. If you’re not familiar with the one they offer, better to avoid it. 

It is also better to avoid anything that is extremely cheap. Even though it can be tempting to accept something like a free paper in exchange for personal information or something like that, reliable companies don’t use such methods. As a customer, you need papers that have good quality, so don’t go for something with almost zero investment. 

Signs of a safe and reliable essay writing service

So we’ve agreed on the fact that trustworthy academic writing services exist, and there are lots of them. What now? What are the markers that you’ve found exactly what you have been looking for? There are quite a few. 

Accessible support team. It’s granted that you can always need some assistance from the people providing their services. So you need a guarantee that you won’t be left alone when you need to add one page, send a message to your expert, or extend the deadline. To do so, you’ll need an online chat or a telephone number depending on what’s more convenient for you. Look at the contact information on the website and try to message the support team as soon as you need it. 

Different levels of difficulty and language proficiency. Some international students don’t fancy complex English language, especially if they have only recently started living in the USA. You need a choice of different college levels so that it could be easy to adjust and comfortable for you to read. The same goes for the arguments used: do you need more sophisticated statements or easier ones?

Money-back and revision options. Check whether the service offers you free or paid revisions in case you want to change something. Also, ask the support if you can get your money back if something in your learning plans changes. 

Transparent policies. Read about how to buy the order and what payment system the service offers. Don’t forget to read about privacy and confidentiality information: it’s always better to know how your data can be used. Don’t worry if you have to share your email address or phone number: it is important for people to have options to reach you if your expert has any questions. 

Think about all the perspectives!

Hopefully, you’re well on your way to making your first order. In this review, we tried to debunk some of the misconceptions to ensure that you have a more realistic picture of the whole professional writing market and what’s a norm in it and what’s not. Sure, you can be worried at first, but finding your perfect key to the academic world isn’t harder than finding a shop to purchase your next pair of sneakers. Just make sure that you know about the reliability factors to consider before making the final decision and you’re safe. Think about all the ways in which you could improve your studying! Don’t miss the chance when you see it. 

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