How to Reset/Retrieve Your JAMB Password

Having access to your JAMB profile is very important. Especially for the fact that if you are eventually offered admission, you must log in to your JAMB profile to accept or decline the admission.

Two things you need to login to your JAMB profile are your email address and password. Please note that the password used here is not compulsorily the same one you use in logging into your email account.

In this article, you will learn how to reset your forgotten JAMB profile password.

There are three ways to recover your JAMB password, you can either retrieve it from your email, reset it from JAMB website or chat with your JAMB support.

How to Retrieve your JAMB Password from your Email

When you created your JAMB profile either at a CBT centre or by yourself, a message was sent to your email address containing your profile creation details.

This message contains your name, date of birth and password.

To retrieve your password using this method, log in to your email address and search for “Profile Creation Details”.

Your search result should look like the image below especially if you use Gmail;


Open the email and scroll down to see your password.


If you cannot remember the email you used to register on JAMB, check the next method.

How to Reset your Password on JAMB Website

For this option to work, you must know the email address you used to register on JAMB and the date of birth you used to register.

  • Visit the JAMB password reset link here
  • Enter your email address and correct date of birth.
  • Click on get password reset link
  • Login to your email address to find a message with the subject “JAMB e-Facility – Password Reset”
  • Open the email and click on the “Reset my Password” link.
  • Enter your new password on the next page.
  • Click on “Change Password”.
  • If your password reset was successful, you will receive a confirmation message from JAMB like in the image below.

Reset JAMB Password by Chatting with Support

If every other method proved abortive, then this is the next option available.

You could contact JAMB support to report that you are having issues resetting your JAMB password. Someone from JAMB will get back to you with instructions that will help you recover your JAMB password.

Perhaps you don’t get a reply within 2-3 working days (Mondays to Friday, 9am to 4pm), please visit a JAMB CBT centre to complain.

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