UNILAG School Fees & Acceptance Fee for 2022/2023 Session

UNILAG school Fees 2022/2023 acceptance fee | Hostel Accommodation fee for new and returning students

On this page, you will get to know about UNILAG Acceptance fee & School Fees for 2022/2023 Academic Session and how to securely pay yours without mistakes.

In this case, I am here to announce to all the newly admitted and those seeking to choose UNILAG as their first choice institution that the management of UNILAG has released her Cost of UNILAG Acceptance fee & School Fees for 2022/2023 Academic Session

So if you are searching for how much UNILAG Acceptance fee & School Fees for 2022/2023 Academic Session is, then this is for you.

Like I said, this post is aimed at guiding those that are searching for how much UNILAG Acceptance fee & School Fees for 2022/2023 Academic Session. So if you are seeking admission in UNILAG or maybe you have been admitted already, then here is a very nice break down of UNILAG Acceptance fee & School Fees for 2022/2023 Academic Session for you.

How much is UNILAG Acceptance fee


How to pay UNILAG acceptance fee

The UNILAG acceptance fee is to be paid via the school portal www.unilag.edu.ng using Remita or in the approved Banks by UNILAG.

Note: never you pay your acceptance fee or transfer your acceptance to someone you don’t know to pay for. If you are still confused on how to pay your UNILAG acceptance fee, then I will kindly advice you to visit the campus and find out more from their working staff so as to avoid stories that touches the heart.


On your student dashboard page there is a session that shows PAY ONLINE.

2. Click on it and it gives you options to pay either acceptance fees or tuition fees. if you want to pay both you can tick both.-the fees are already indicated there. just chose what you want

3. There is option to pay through transgate showing cards to pay with e.g master card, verve card etc chose one

4. It display where to fill in your details and submit

5. N500 charges are deducted from you as bank charge

6. As soon as you submit 2 things happens, an sms is sent to your phone of successful payment

7. A receipt is generated within your dashboard which you can click to view and then download to your computer

8. Print it out for verification exercise.

Normal Bank Payment

This is the normal bank payment we all are used to. The disadvantage is that is cumbersome and stressful. The banks inside UNILAG for now are the only banks used for this purpose. hence the ONLINE payment is enjoying massive patronage.

The bank charges here is N250 compared to N500 for online payment.

The banks for these transaction are:

1. GTB




5. Wema Bank

6. UBA bank

7. Ecobank

for more info go to [http://spgs.unilag.edu.ng/

How much is UNILAG school fee – (UNILAG school fee Breakdown for each department and program).

UNILAG Undergraduates School /Tuition Fees

UNILAG School Fees For Fresh Students.

3.IDENTITY CARDN1,000.00N1,000.00
7.MEDICAL SERVICESN5,000.00N5,000.00
8.LAB. SERVICESN10,000.00 
9.LIBRARY SERVICESN2,500.00N2,500.00
10.STUDENTS’ HANDBOOKN1,000.00N1,000.00
11.INFORMATION TECH. (IT)N2,000.00N2,000.00
12.ENDOWMENT FUNDN5,000.00N5,000.00

Check the list of courses offered at UNILAG here

Check the Newly Updated UNILAG 1st, 2nd and 3rd Admission list here

UNILAG School Fees For Returning Students.

2.IDENTITY CARDN1,000.00N1,000.00
5.MEDICAL SERVICESN1,000.00N1,000.00
6..LAB. SERVICESN5,000.00 
7.INFORMATION TECH. (IT)N1,000.00N1,000.00
8.LIBRARY SERVICESN1,500.00N1,500.00
9.ENDOWMENT FUNDN1,000.00N1,000.00

UNILAG Postgraduate School / Tuition Fees 2022/2023

UNILAG School Fees For New Students 

3.IDENTITY CARD1,000.001,000.00
4.RESULT VERIFICATION5,000.005,000.00
6.MEDICAL SERVICES5,000.005,000.00
7.LIBRARY SERVICES5,000.005,000.00
8.INFORMATION TECH. (IT)2,000.002,000.00
9.ENDOWMENT FUND10,000.0010,000.00

UNILAG POST Graduate School Fees For Returning Students 2020.

3.IDENTITY CARD1,000.001,000.00
6.MEDICAL SERVICES1,000.001,000.00
7.LIBRARY SERVICES2,000.002,000.00
8.INFORMATION TECH. (IT)1,000.001,000.00
9.ENDOWMENT FUND1,000.001,000.00

How to make first class in UNILAG (Secrets of making First class in UNILAG)

  1. Focus your Mind on What you want.

If you’re aiming for a first class degree, you have to be prepared to put in maximum effort.

Students who manage to achieve a first tend to be those who consistently try their hardest throughout the year.

Getting consistently decent grades involves planning ahead, being organised and not leaving your assignment until the day before.

  1. Do Self research

If you find yourself thinking, “I’ve been to all my lectures and seminars, so I’m doing everything I can”, you might as well quit now.

Uni lecture hours are notoriously low, and while going to classes is obviously important, it’s the hours you put in outside of class and lectures that really matter. Read through your course handbook carefully and you’re likely to find that you should be putting in a substantial amount of work in your free time, too.

You can bookmark relevant websites, set Google Alerts for topics you’re thinking of writing an essay on, and just generally try to keep up to date with relevant academic discussion. Reading about developments in your area of academic interest should become part of your daily routine.

Over time, as you read around and get different perspectives, this will also help you to think critically and form an opinion of your own.

  1. Make the library your Best Friend

Although online journals are a great resource, the best grades are normally awarded to students who can demonstrate they’ve made an effort to use a range of different sources– including trusty old paper books.

Now, we’re not suggesting you set up shop in the library from morning till dawn. Instead, make the library your place to focus. After a while, you’ll start to actually enjoy the process of searching and finding books that are relevant to your ideas.

Remember that a first class student will have an idea and then use critical sources to support it, not the other way round.

  1. Ask Senior Colleagues and your tutors for help.

You can Book appointments or Tutorial with your Senior colleagues and tutors as often as you can, whether it’s to discuss an upcoming assignment, get feedback, or just chat about an idea you have.

  1. Attend All Lectures

Attending lectures is another (very important) part of the first class degree puzzle.

Turning up to all of your timetabled commitments is the very least you should be doing to get the most out of your degree.

Turning up to class is also key to winning over your tutors (you know, the people who will be grading your work?). They’re likely to be a lot tougher when grading work from someone they know doesn’t bother to show up to class, compared to someone they see participating and trying their best each week.

  1. Limit your time on social media

As fun as social media can be, very little is generally achieved with it. In fact, studies have even shown that social media just adds to uni stresses as you become more likely to compare yourself to classmates. So, unsurprisingly, spending hours of your life on social media is also pretty bad for your grades.

If you have the will power, set yourself a goal to avoid social media until the evenings. And if you struggle a bit in this area, or your addiction is seriously bad, you might want to consider temporarily deactivating your accounts.

  1. Make Friends with Serious people and Pick up a Study Mate.

No matter how great your motivation levels are, there will always be days when you need a kick up the backside.

Befriending an equally ambitious student is always a good plan, as you can motivate each other to go to the library on rainy days. Plus, you’ll find yourself feeling way more guilty about missing classes if your study buddy is making it in regularly.

Making friends with people on your course is also a good idea. Not only will it make hard work significantly more enjoyable, but discussing ideas with them is a great way to develop your thoughts and opinions without boring anyone who isn’t taking the same class.

  1. Stay healthy

Don’t underestimate how big an impact your health can have on your uni grades.

Eating the right brain fuel foods and drinking lots of fluids will set you up to do the best you can do at uni.

Make sure you stay fit and active, too. You might not want to believe it, but exercising regularly will give you a big energy boost – we’ve got a huge list of ways to save on gym costs, as well as ways to stay active without spending any money at all.

  1. Never Do without God

That was all you need to know about UNILAG Acceptance fee & School Fees for 2022/2023 Academic Session and how to securely pay yours without mistakes.

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